What is a Computer Programming Language?
What is a Computer Programming Language? |
Before looking at "What is a Computer Programming Language?" let us see what is a program? and what is a language?
What is a Program?
A program is a precise sequence of instructions to solve a particular problem.
With the program one can solve a problem with a set of predefined activities in a particular order.
What is a Language?
A language is a medium/platform/bridge for communicating with one another to express ourselves.
As you read this now using English Language as this is written in English.
What is Computer Programming?
Computer programming is defined as commanding a computer what to do through a special set of instructions which are then interpreted by the computer to perform specified tasks.
These instructions can be specified in one or more programming languages including (but not limited to) Java, JavaScript, PHP, C, C++, C#, Python and ASP.NET.
What is a Computer Programming Language?
It is a set of words, symbols and codes used to write instructions is called Computer Programming Language.
Different computer programming languages are used for writing different types of programs.
Types of Computer Programming Languages:
Computer programming languages are primarily divided into two types which is further divided into sub divisions.
1. Low-Level Languages.
2. High-Level Languages.
Let us see one by one below:
1. Low-Level Language:
This language is near to computer hardware and far from human language.
This low-level language is of two types which are listed below:
1.A) Machine Language.
1.b) Assembly Language.
Let us see each type of language in detail
1.A) Machine Language:
Computer understand this language directly.
Programs written in this language are Machine Dependent.
This is also called First Generation Language.
1.B) Assembly Language:
Symbols are used in this language and the name of the symbols are called Mnemonics.
Assembly language is also called Symbolic Language.
This is the most used language for writing System Software.
This is second generation language.
2. High-Level Language:
This language is easier to write and modify.
High-Level Languages are further divided into three types which are detailed below:
2.A) Procedural Language.
2.B) Object-Oriented Language.
2.C) Non-Procedural Language.
Let us see each one in detail:
2.A) Procedural Language:
This is a third generation language.
Program is written with a predefined set of instructions.
Notable procedural programming languages are "FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL and PASCAL".
2.B) Object-Oriented Language:
This program is written on the basis of objects.
Objects are nothing but collection of data and functions.
It is easier to learn and modify.
Some Object-Oriented programming languages are C++, JAVA.
2.C). Non-Procedural Language:
This is a fourth generation language.
Command the computer "What to do? not How to do?.
It is used database application and report generation.
Example of Non-Procedural Programming Languages are "SQL=Structured Query language, RPG=Report Program Generator".
High-Level Language | Low-Level Language |
High-level languages are near to human languages. | Low-level languages are far from human languages. |
High-level languages do not provide much facility at hardware level. | Low-level languages provide facility to write programs at hardware level. |
Deep knowledge of hardware is not required to write programs. | Deep knowledge of hardware is required to write programs. |
These languages are normally used to write application programs. | These languages are normally used to write hardware programs. |
High-level language are easy to learn. | Low-level languages are difficult to learn. |
Translator is required. | No translator is required. |
Programs in high-level languages are slow in execution. | Programs in low-level languages are fast in execution. |
Programs in high-level languages are easy to modify. | Programs in low-level languages are difficult to modify. |
Natural Programming Language:
These are fifth generation languages which are extremely complex and in the experimental phase yet to be implemented.